Tag Archives: stop female feoticide

Vow To Save Girl Child – Urges Bhanumathi Narasimhan

24 Oct

Save girl child by Bhanumathi Narasimhan

Bhanumathi Narasimhan, (Director, Women & Child Welfare Programmes, The Art of Living Foundation) urges each one to meet the challenges of female foeticide and domestic violence. She emphasises education in human values as the solution to tackle these problems.

As a part of all the projects, Madhurya (www.madhurya.com)  is one such initiative which works to revive the ancient Indian art and crafts, which include tanjore paintings, heritage furniture,  handwoven sarees, temple jewellery etc. The proceeds of the profit from Madhurya Creations goes for the 422 free schools run by Art of Living Foundation.